Friday, April 8, 2011


OK! Gas is sooooo expensive! i just filled up and it cost me 50 bukaroos! Secondly i need my roots done reeeeal bad. And thirdly i have a veryyyy yumy brownie recipe.
It makes about 24. Depends how big you cut them.
You will need. ( everything is in ounces, so if you dont have a scale, you should get one it will be like the best thing that ever happened to you.) I have been preeeeeeety busy with school, lots of homework! But it love it.
I had to present 9 of my brownies and i did a different design on them. Hah, chef Kim like the whole idea, and liked 2 out of 3 designs. Said my tic tac toe looked juvenile and cheep and as if a little kid drew  it with a crayon. OUCH! 

The tic tac toe one was my favorite one! I hope you make the brownies and if so... i put the recipe below and if not, its all good:) SO im going to leave you with this. He says hi. <3


8oz Chocolate, dark.
12oz Butter, unsalted
24oz sugar
12oz Egg
1/8 oz salt
1/2 oz Vanilla
8oz Flour (bread)
8oz pecan/walnuts chopped (optional)

 Melt the chocolate ( take a pot fill 1/3 of it with water and put a bowl on top of it. You dont want the water to really boil hard, but you want it hot enough for it to melt the chocolate)

When the chocolate is melting nicely add the butter, keep mixing together.
Whisk eggs, sugar and the vanilla. Then add the sugar+ egg mixture to the melted chocolate slowly.( you dont want to pour it in quickly because it will cook the egg.)
Add the salt to the flour and sift it, then GRADUALLY add the flour mixture to the chocolate while mixing it, and then if you want add the nuts!
This is going to fill 2 9x13in sheet pans.
BAKE AT 325 for 20-30 mins. CHECK THE BROWNIES WITH A TOOTH PICK, if u see little crumbs on the tooth pick. They are done. If u see nothing, then u over baked them.
k. enjoy. Bye.
ha jk.
while these babies are baking, if you want you can make some ganache .
In a mixing bowl put 1c of chocolate
then on the stove u heat up 1c of heavy whipping cream. Then when the cream just started boiling you take it off and pour it into the mixing bowl with the chocolate. let it sit there for a few minuets about 5mins. THEN take a rubber spatula and stick it in the middle of the bowl and make SMALL circles mixing it together, while turning the bowl with the other hand. ( You dont want to let to much air into the mix.) then when its all mixed up. pour it into a zip lock bag (when its a bit cooler.) Then cut a SMALL piece from a corner and decorate!

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